Better get started here I think

I just watched part of Home Page from 1998, a film about Justin Hall – one of the first "bloggers", but before that was a word.

i would link to his site cause most of it is still up, but I kinda stole the code for this from him so this should just act as an inspiring placeholder until I figure out something else.

Anyhow, what's inspiring, apart from his fast and disrespectful language (both in design and writing), is his way of using hyperlinks throughout his "posts" and table(s) of contents instead of menus -- which makes visiting the site really exciting! It feels like a mini "web" of sorts and I can't imagine how many files and folders there are on his server.

So I thought I should play with the idea of making kind of like that – just a bunch of different pages linked toghether in a fun and organic way, but with my own take on it.
(this of course doesn't mean that more "thoughtful" pages can't live side by side with experiments and that I can't use menus - we'll just have to see how it turns out, don't we?)

So follow me on this quest to make the UI designers scream in agony!

See you soon
